Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Love the 80"s

I did this yesterday at 5:00 and had it 95% complete and then went to work work for 10 hours and finished just now. feelin' pretty good. Although I will say it is digustingly cute and it gives me a tooth ache every time I look at it...with that being said I think the cutesy crap is getting a little out of control. On the other hand I really enjoy making art like this...I don't know I don't get it. I went from making flesh eating zombies, to making Martini drinking ponies with rainbows and sparkeling swirling clouds in the background? ummmm I guess I'm not in a morbid depression anymore. It shows. huh....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Darth Lord Haddad"

"The floral scent is strong with this one."
"Luke I am your florist"